Your Hometown Party



Since 1995

Good things Sentinels have been doing

  1. Made the tough choices about government spending to both meet our needs and minimize the effect on property taxes.

  2. Reached out to townspeople through first ever State of the Town government-wide public meeting.

  3. Completed projects that were languishing, including Kechkes Road Bridge, Senior Center Recreation Area, resolved the Senior Apartment water quality issues, completed Phase II of the River Road Recreation area.

  4. Applied for and received a permit for a public works material storage facility to allow the town to store, recycle and reuse road materials. 

  5. Re-established a good working relationship between the Superintendent of Schools and the First Selectman’s office.

  6. Protecting the rights of our citizens to be informed, by bringing the Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission staff to Willington to educate our local officials and employees.

  7. Working with the Economic Development Commission and the Planning & Zoning Commission to support business development and thoughtful growth.

  8. Engaging citizens by encouraging involvement in local government and volunteerism  and communicating with quarterly letters from First Selectman Mailhos in the Willington Word.

  9. Saving taxpayer money and natural resources through energy conservation measures.

  10. Addressing infrastructure and road maintenance issues with short and long-term planning and commencing long-overdue major maintenance projects.

  11. Made safety improvements at the Transfer Station a priority.

  12. Working with the Housing Authority to complete Phase III of the Senior Housing Development.

  13. Led a community-wide effort to minimize the devastating effects of an extraordinary winter.

  14. Substantially reduced the use of and over-reliance on the Town attorneys.

  15. Providing professionalism to the job of First Selectman and the leadership needed for Willington’s future.