Your Hometown Party


Barry Wallett

Board of Finance

I was not born in Willington, it did not seek me out, I sought out this wonderful town. After a great deal of research, my wife and I found Willington to be the best place to raise our daughters. We longed for the small town that would stay a small town and neighbors that would become a part of our lives. We have been so very happy and proud of our decision to build our home and life here. I feel that it is imperative to become involved in my local government when there is so much going on in the state and federal level that discourages me and I choose to get involved instead of sit back and complain. Given that chance, I will do my best to ensure fiscal responsibility, small government and policies that reflect the will of the people.

Barry and wife Marybeth and three girls have lived in Town for 3 years. Employed at the Department of Consumer Protection, Barry also owns and operates a small family business. He has a good handle on keeping track of where the money goes!  He volunteers at WAM Coalition to Stop Under Age Drinking, is past Director at Assumption School and was on Goodwill Advisory Council.